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We often get the question; How dangerous are wind turbines to birds?
And it's a fair question, but the answer is nuanced.
Though collisions with wind turbines do happen, and some avian species more than others, particularly to those with low maneuverability and those that migrate at night, the benefits by far outweighs the dangers.
In fact more birds are likely to survive if we install even more wind turbines!
A study by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services found that an estimated 140,000 - 327,000 birds are killed annually by colliding with wind turbines.*
As of January 2022 there were more than 70,800 wind turbines in the USA.**
While that number is likely to increase the amount of birds killed or injured by wind turbines is too. It's important to consider this threat in perspective though.
Other threats
While 140,000 - 327,000 birds killed annually does seem like a lot, it hardly compares to other threats posed to birds.
By estimate;
6,000,000 birds are killed each year by colliding with communication towers.
8,000,000 - 57,300,000 by colliding with electrical lines.
365,000,000 - 988,000,000 by colliding with glass buildings.
1,400,000,000 - 3,700,000,000 killed by cats.
That is 1.4 - 3.7 billion bird deaths per year just by cats!
These are really large numbers, check out the graph below. Perhaps a visualization helps get a better idea of the scale:
It is estimated that since the 1970's about 30% of North American birds have simply vanished. Predominantly to habitation loss due to climate change.***
Shifting towards renewable energy, whether it is wind, hydro, solar or something else, will have a positive impact on bird populations, despite a few unlucky ones.
It is all about the environmental cost of modern technology. Since you're reading this, it is safe to assume that you're on your phone, tablet or computer.
Remember those communication towers? (aprx. 6.6 million birds).
That is the tradeoff for being connected everywhere all the time!
But again, it will take a lot more towers to pose a danger like our dependence on fossil fuels.
So keep your cats inside, source your food locally, consider an electric car and definitely get yourself a Wind Catcher!
Check out the
Wind Catcher
Whatts Watt
:: A KiteX explainer ::
What makes the Wind Catcher stand out?
:: A KiteX explainer ::